Getting arrested is always a scary process, especially if you are getting convicted of a capital felony. In some cases, the judge can grant you bail to await trial from home. If that’s the case, PCS Bail Bonds can help you out with a bail bond in Tarrant County. We can also assist you with understanding the process, and what you can expect.
What Is a Capital Felony?
A capital felony is the most serious type of criminal offense. It is punishable by the death penalty or life in prison without parole. In the United States, the death penalty is only available in certain states, like Texas, and for certain types of murder. Most states that have the death penalty require a jury to unanimously agree that a defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt before recommending the death penalty.
Capital felonies are usually reserved for the most severe and violent of criminal offenses such as murder or treason. In some states, a conviction for rape, kidnapping, or certain forms of armed robbery can also qualify as a capital felony. Each state has its own laws and guidelines regarding what types of crimes can be considered as this. Generally, a crime must involve extreme violence or malice.
Punishment in Texas
Capital felonies carry the harshest punishment available under Texas law. As we mentioned above, they are punishable by either death or life in prison without the possibility of parole. The death penalty is a sentence available for any capital felony conviction and is decided by a jury. In Texas, the death penalty is administered by lethal injection. If a jury decides to impose the death penalty, the defendant can file an appeal. The appellate court can reduce the sentence to life in prison without parole or set aside the conviction.
The jury needs to be informed of whether or not the death penalty is on the table prior to the beginning of the trial.
Examples of Capital Felonies
Murder is the main capital felony, but there are other crimes that can be classified as so. The murder needs to be intentional and with special circumstances. Some examples are listed below:
- Murder of a police officer, firefighter, correctional officer, judge, or prison guard
- Murder of more than one person at once or during the same course of conduct
- Murder of a person during the commission of a specified felony, such as kidnapping, burglary, aggravated or sexual assault, or arson
- Murder for pay, or paying someone to commit murder
- Murder of a child under a certain age
- Murder while trying to escape prison
- Murder by a state prison inmate who is serving a life sentence for certain crimes
Other types of crime include:
- Aggravated kidnapping
- Arson causing death
- Aggravated sexual assault
- Treason
- Aggravated robbery
- Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
- Injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual, resulting in serious bodily injury
These are just a few examples of crimes that could fall under the capital felony category. The judge will decide how to convict your crime when you face them at the arraignment. This is when they will tell you if you qualify for bail too.
Bail for a Capital Felony in Tarrant County
Despite the nature of these crimes, there are instances when bail for capital felonies is possible. In these instances, PCS Bail Bonds is able to execute any bail proceedings so defendants can stand trial without being held in prison in Tarrant County. Contact PCS Bail Bonds should you have any questions regarding capital felonies.
For more information about PCS Bail Bonds, contact us today at PC****@ao*.com or call us toll-free at (888) 335-1655.