PCS Bail Bonds – 24/7 Tarrant And Fort Worth Bonds

Frequently Asked Questions

Arrest warrants are issued by a judge on behalf of the state authorizing police to arrest a person. Warrants must have probable cause based on an accurate police affidavit in order to be signed and issued. After one is signed, police may begin looking for the suspect(s) and arrest them when found. The state isn’t required to let you know when there’s a warrant for your arrest and can arrest you anytime after it’s issued.

Can I Bail Myself Out of Jail in Texas?

You can bail yourself out of jail as long as you have the funds to make your bail. If you have the cash or credit to pay your bail amount, there’s no reason you wouldn’t be able to bail yourself out of jail.

Why Should I Get a Bail Bond if I Have the Money Readily Available?

Even if you have the full amount for your bail at your disposal, it’s not always a good idea to use it. You may incur other legal fees or have other events in your life that may require some emergency cash, which you won’t have if you use all of it on your bail. The fee for a bail bond is usually only 10%, which will leave your cash free to cover other costs.

When Can I Get a Bail Bond?

You can begin the process of getting a bail bond as soon as you contact a bail bond company in Texas, like PCS Bail Bonds. Our bail bondsmen are always on call and can get the process started as soon as possible.

If you’re planning to inquire about a bail bond on behalf of a loved one, there are a few key pieces of information you should know, like:

  • Full name of defendant including first, middle, and surname.
  • Where they’re being held in custody, including name of the jail, city, and country.
  • Specific charges against the defendant, including whether it’s a misdemeanor or felony. Any other information like what degree or class the charge is can also be helpful.
  • Defendant’s booking number, which you can find out by calling the jail they’re being held in. If their booking number is unavailable, the bail bond agent will be able to access it at a later time.
  • The bail amount; this will help the bail bondsman calculate how much their fee will be.
  • Other Information: think about any other information the bail bond agent might find helpful and let them know. The more information they have, the easier it’ll be for them to do their job.

Getting arrested is never convenient. Usually, the first thing on people’s minds after a loved one has been taken into custody is how soon the defendant can be released—that’s if, in fact, they can get pre-trial release. It can take some time to process an inmate in the jail system and unfortunately there is no way to speed up the process. There is a way for you to get them out of jail as quickly as possible and that is through bail bond services. Here’s what you need to know about how bail can get your loved one released from jail and where to find a reputable bail bondsman in Texas.

The Bail Process in Texas
Posting Bail

The first step to take after your loved one is taken into custody is to contact a bail bondsman and post bail. This process can also take some time, but if you choose a top-tier company, your paperwork will be quickly processed, so that you can have an agent down to the jail in under 30 minutes. After the bondsman has completed the process and posted bail for your loved one, the release time depends on how busy the individual jail is. Some jails can take one to two hours to release an inmate from custody, but other jails may be able to speed up the release process. Although the time varies, it’s important to contact the bail bondsman quickly so that the process can begin right away.

Conditions of Bail

A bail bond isn’t a free ticket out of jail, there are certain conditions that must be followed to keep the agreement. Some common bail conditions include the following:

  • The defendant must appear at all required hearings
  • Reporting to the bail bond office on a regular basis
  • Avoiding any future encounters with the law
  • Remaining in the county
  • Notifying the court and bail bond agency of any job or address changes
Let PCS Bail Bonds Help You

Getting your loved one out of jail can be crucial, especially if it might affect their ability to work, provide for their family, or maintain a reputation. It is also a scary experience for loved ones involved in the situation. If your loved one is able to get out of jail, they can continue their lives as normally as possible while building their defense and understanding their rights.

PCS Bail Bonds can help you if you need to post bail and our experienced agents can help you obtain a bond in a fraction of the time it takes other agencies. We provide 24-hour bail bonds for all kinds of charges and have professional memberships in several renowned associations.

Contact us now by phone at 817-335-1655, at our e-mail, visit in-person, or fill out our bail bond request form. Our bond agents are always on call and we can be down to the jail in under 30 minutes!

Most bail bond companies give you a variety of choices when it comes to paying for a bond. Your options can include: cash, credit cards, debit cards, checks, money orders, bail financing, or collateral bondsCollateral bonds are a good option if you don’t have the cash upfront to pay for your bail bond; in these cases, you can put up something of value—like property, jewellery, or electronics—in place of cash.

Can a Bail Agent Discount the Fees on the Premium?

The rate that you pay a bail agent isn’t determined by them but depends on the state’s statutes and regulations. Some states can legally charge eight percent while others are unable to charge less than 10%. If a bail bond agency offers you a discount on their fee, they may risk losing their license altogether. Some companies may try to mislead you into believing that they’re giving you a discount when in reality you end up paying the full amount. If you ever question whether you’re being overcharged, simply ask to look at a rate chart for reference.

Paying bail to be released from jail while you await your court date is a sort of promise to the court that you will, indeed, return.

What Percentage of Bail Must Be Paid?

You can pay the full amount of bail to the court if you have the cash on hand. You can also pay a percentage to a bail bond company, who will then cover the rest. Bail bondsmen usually charge a fee of 10% to 30% of your full bail amount.

Who Gets the Bail Money?

When you originally pay bail, the court system will hold on to your money. If you show up to all of your assigned court dates and are exonerated, the money will be returned to you within a few weeks. However, if you fail to make your court dates and a warrant for your arrest is issued, you forfeit the money you initially paid.

Is Bail Money Refunded?

If you paid your bail to the local court system directly, it’ll be refunded if you’ve been found innocent or if the charges are dropped. If you went through a bail bondsman, they will keep a percentage to cover their fees, regardless of the outcome.

Being caught in a situation where you aren’t able to make bail can be stressful and even detrimental to your future. Even if you don’t have the money upfront for your bail, there are a few different options you can try to make bail and get out of jail while you await your court date.

How Can I Post Bail with No Money?

You can put up collateral in lieu of or in addition to a bail bond premium. Items like jewelry, electronics, and even property can be accepted as bail bond collateral.

Bail Bond Money Loan/Financing

This is a good option if you don’t have the cash to pay the bail bond fee upfront, but the bail is an amount you’ll be able to pay back in a reasonable amount of time. This way, you won’t have to put up the full bail amount or even the full bail bond fee.

Credit Card

Defendants can also use credit cards to pay their bond premium. As long as you have enough credit and take note of the interest fees, using a credit card is a good way to make your bail.

Ask a Friend/Loved One

It can never hurt to ask a friend or loved one to help you out with the fees associated with your bail. Make sure to have a solid agreement about repayment with the other party to avoid future conflict.

If the defendant has made all of their court appearances, charges have been dropped, or has been found innocent, they will be refunded some or all of their bail money. After closing the case, the judge will issue an order for the return of the money. If you used a bail bondsman, they will keep their part of the fee—this usually ranges from 10% to 30% of the overall bail amount. Bail bondsmen do not return any money for bonding out the defendant, regardless of whether they’re found guilty or innocent.

Is Bail Money Refunded if I Am Found Guilty?

If you’re found guilty and convicted of the crime you posted bail for, the bail money will be applied to court fees, which means you may not get all of it back. In cases like this, the government will usually retain three percent of the bail.

Do I Get Bail Money Back if the Charges Are Dropped?

If charges have been dropped, then you can expect to get some or all of your bond money back. If it was paid directly to the court, you’ll receive a full refund. If a bail bond agent was involved, expect your refund to be reduced as a result of their fees.

How Long Does It Take to Get My Bond Money Back?

Once your case is over and the judge has issued an order for the return of your bail, it can take up to six or seven weeks for it to be refunded.

When a bond is revoked, the defendant has lost the right to their freedom before trial. This means that they must return to jail and await their court date in custody. Bonds are often revoked for failure to appear in court, in which case an arrest warrant will be issued. Other reasons include committing a crime while released or violating any other condition of bail.

Can a Co-Signer Revoke a Bond?

Yes, a co-signer may revoke a bond if they change their mind about taking on the responsibilities it entails. However, they must gain approval from the court before doing this.

Can a Bail Bondsman Revoke a Bond for Non-Payment?

No, a bail bondsman may not formally revoke a bond for non-payment. While bondsmen cannot return a defendant to jail to punish them from non-payments, they can pursue legal action to collect their payments and report the transaction to credit bureaus.

If My Bond Is Revoked Can I Get Another One?

If your bond has been revoked, there are certain circumstances under which you can have it reinstated. Whether this is possible depends on the charges and how long it’s been since the bond was forfeited.

Whether you’re able to travel out of state depends on the terms of your individual bond. If you are, in fact, allowed to travel outside the state, you’ll have to return for any court dates you have scheduled.

Do I Need to Let My Bail Bondsman Know if I’m Traveling?

If you’re making travel plans, it’s a good idea to check in with your bail bondsman to go over the terms of your bond. If you’re out on state bond, chances are you might be able to travel within the country. However, if you’re out on federal bond, the travel terms may be a little stricter. Again, the best thing to do is check with your bail bondsman.

What if I Need to Travel Due to an Emergency?

If you need to leave the state or country for an emergency like a death in the family, contact your bail bondsman immediately. Honesty is the best policy, especially in situations like these. However, keep in mind that a phone call will not override your signed bond contract—make sure to get any permission or exceptions to your agreement in writing directly from your bail bondsman. Reputable bail bond agencies will be willing to work with you within certain parameters, providing you’re honest with them.

Each arrest is different, and it’s always up to the judge to determine whether you’ll be able to get out on bail or not. Once you’ve been arrested, a judge will review your case. They will then decide whether you’ll be held on bail or not. Their decision will be based on your criminal record, whether there are any holds on you, and the crime you’re currently being accused of.

A hold is basically a detainer placed on you by another governmental institution—this can include owing a backlog of child support, or having a number of unpaid traffic tickets. If you’re found to have a hold against you, you’d be required to wait out your sentence in jail until it’s been cleared. The more extensive your criminal history is and the more severe your crime is, the less chance you’ll have of being held on bail. If the judge decides you can, indeed, be released on bail, the next step if for them to decide how much your bail amount will be.

Common law was where the bail bonds system originated. The concept of posting money or items in exchange for the temporary release of a defendant goes back to the 13th century in England. The modern practice of the bail bond system has continued to change and adapt in the United States, while many other modern nation-states have ended the practice.

An indemnitor or guarantor is the person who agrees to sign the bail bondsman on behalf of the defendant. The indemnitor or guarantor is usually a friend or relative of the defendant and is held responsible if the defendant decides to flee or miss their court dates.

Collateral is any item of value that is put forward to secure a bond. It may include cash, property, expensive jewelry, cars, credit cards, stocks, bonds, personal credit, bank accounts, or other expensive items. Once the defendant’s case has been resolved, and all premiums have been paid to the bail bonds company, the collateral will be returned to the indemnitor.

If the defendant you posted bail for gets arrested while out on bond, the bond is usually surrendered, and your liability will end. If you choose to surrender the bond, you will not get your premium refunded. If you choose to get another bond for the defendant, you will need to post two new bonds and pay premiums on each of them again.

Unfortunately for you and your loved one, once they have been sentenced to serve time in jail, they must fulfill that responsibility. Bail is only applicable during the time before the sentencing, while the defendant is awaiting trial. If they haven’t been sentenced, you can apply for bail after the judge as set the amount.

Unfortunately for you and your loved one, once they have been sentenced to serve time in jail, they must fulfill that responsibility. Bail is only applicable during the time before the sentencing, while the defendant is awaiting trial. If they haven’t been sentenced, you can apply for bail after the judge as set the amount.

The main reason why people seek the services of a bail bondsman is because the cost of bail in Texas is often is too high to pay for with cash. To prevent a friend or family member from staying in jail during their trial, they will reach out to a bail bondsman for help getting bail. The bondsman can put up the full bail amount so the defendant can be free until they are given a sentence. Although the bondsman charges a premium or fee, they can help you get your loved one out of jail during this desperate time of need.

When bail money is paid it goes to the court and is held to ensure the defendant appears at all court dates and scheduled meetings. After this process ends, and all meetings have been made, the money will be returned to the person who paid for bail, except for any bail bondsman fees or court fees for processing.

If you paid the bail amount to the court, you will get your full refund back once the case is over. However, if you worked with a bail bonds company, you will get your refund except the premium or fees charged by the bondsman. These fees are what allowed your friend or loved one to get out of jail, and once the defendant is out of custody, the bail bonds company has earned that pay. The only time you may be entitled to get your premium refunded is if the bail bondsman failed to live up to their end of the contract.

The length of time to wait to get your bail money back may be as little to a few weeks, or it can take months, depending on certain factors. Some of these factors include the status of the court case, the method you posted bail, and more.

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