It’s difficult enough having to deal with a loved one who has found his- or herself in trouble with the police. The thought of him or her being in jail and you having limited information is frightening. You want to help, and you’re trying your best to do everything you can.
In most cases, one of the first calls you should make is to a bail bond agent. Not only will they be able to give you information on where your loved one is being held and the circumstances surrounding his or her arrest, but they will also be able to help bail that person out of jail, provided that bail is an option.
24/7 Bail Service
One of the recurring issues that comes up during an arrest is the timing. It’s never a convenient time to hear someone you know or love has been arrested, and to hear that kind of news in the middle of the night or in the early morning hours presents even more problems when it comes to finding out the full scope of what has happened.
Timing is just one of the reasons why you need to connect with a bail bond agent who is available round the clock. People don’t get arrested conveniently during business hours, so your bail bond agent shouldn’t be working during just those hours, either. They need to be contacted and available within a reasonable amount of time after an arrest has been made. If the bail bond agent you contact isn’t available, then you must look elsewhere for support.
No Time Restraints
Another reason it’s important to work with a bail bond company that is available 24/7 is because bail can be posted at any time. So long as the judge grants the bail and the resources are available, a defendant can be out of jail at any point during the day. Not only is this encouraging for the person who has been arrested—knowing they can get back to their family as soon as possible—but the concerned parent or loved one also gains some peace of mind knowing that person is in a safe place.
Speaking To Authority
The bail process can be a bit complex. Sometimes, legal authorities need clarification or have some concerns about the conditions set out in the bail. If the defendant is not able to speak to those questions, a bail bond agent can sometimes clear up any miscommunication or respond to concerns that one may have.
There are just too many reasons why it’s always in your best interest to utilize the services of a bail bond agent in Grand Prairie, Fort Worth, or anywhere in Tarrant County. We at PCS Bail Bonds know the value of being available round the clock and offer services on a 24/7 basis. Call us toll free at (888) 335-1655 or email us at PC****@ao*.com.